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La presente Cookie Policy è relativa al sito (“Sito”) gestito e operato dalla società Idea Bitmap S.r.l., con sede in via Milazzo, 59 - 21052 Busto Arsizio –Italia , PI: 02599320120 (“Idea Bitmap”)

To Learn More

InStore Events

Promotions, competitions, Hostess days

Identification of the best formula for promotion on specific days also with dedicated staff

Team Building

Motivational and Formative events

Study and realization of team building and formative events, including contents, from 10 minutes to several days

Pop Materials

Exhibitors and materials to highlight the product

Study and production of ad hoc or universal material for the customizing of the Shop.

Exhibition Areas & Fairs

Temporary areas for product presentations

Creation of exhibition areas, definition and customizing of the location

Mood Video

Presentations, commercials, motivational

Conception, shooting and editing of motivational or product footage.

Logotype & Style Guide

Logotype, declinations and Style guides

Study or revision of logo, declination of the coordinated image and creation of specific style guides.

Packaging & Mock Up

Packaging, Couvette, Box.

Ideation and creation of ideal packaging and production of individual specimens in order to verify the final result.

InStore Customizing

Showcases, Installations, Decorations

Studying and installations of all the details aimed at improving the appearance of a store in individual details or modifying and redesigning the entire store.

Gala Evenings

Event evenings, dinners and themed evenings

Location identification, mood conception of the evening, setting up and technical support, artistic support

Meetings & Events

Sales force, training and team building meetings; Sports and music events

Study and creation of content, search location, hotel accomodation, transfer

Photo Studio

Food & non Food Creations

Search location, casting, home economist, post-production editing

Graphic Design

Study and development of the image

Graphic design, study of the message and the contents, application on the various media.